PDA stands for the acronym «Personal Digital Assistant», which are in fact the grandparent devices of the current Smartphones that have conquered every corner of the planet, in each country, in each city. In addition, the new brand reflects what we have done for years: Being passionate about mobile technology and also serving as a constant reminder of the humble origins that our respective projects have had.
The objective pursued by this page is to concentrate in one place, all the information related to the mobile technology industry and a little more, including also other segments although in reality, we recognize that the consumer electronics market is so large, that for now we cannot cover everything we would like, yet , we guarantee that we do our best to keep you up to date with everything that is going on.
PasionMovil is built daily by a group of advanced users whose first objective is to enjoy to the maximum the capabilities of smartphones, tablets and any mobile device. And it is precisely that passion for mobile computing that feeds the publishing gears of the entire site with more than 60,000 notes since its foundation in 1999, which has led us in an almost evangelical task of continuously promoting the use and disuse of the various mobile platforms
Throughout its 20 years, the main engine of the project was the passion, dedication and even affection that collaborators, staff and the users themselves have given to the task of staying informed and learning day by day the immense possibilities offered by mobile computer equipment.
Once a mobile technology enthusiast accumulates enough knowledge, in some cases there is a need to express it and tell the world about what you learn. To this factor we must add the constant questions of friends, family and acquaintances when an enthusiast becomes «expert», which only increases the desire for expression.
That’s when PoderPDA enters the stage and allows a group of enthusiasts to become editors and collaborators, granting the possibility to offer its contents to more than 8,000,000 (eight million) of unique annual readers.
Never forget that the site was born from the need for a few to be in contact with other similar users who share a taste for mobile technology, something that has endured throughout the trajectory of PoderPDA and has become the creed of the Forum, which is now accessible even from mobile devices and not only through the computer.
Our passion is one that drives us to continue testing new equipment, new platforms, new applications, new accessories and discover new ways to make use and benefit of mobile devices by integrating them into our daily lives. With more than one and a half million different applications, this is a reality that has reached just over 25% of the world’s total population and the trend only continues to grow in all parts of the world.
It was only until 2008 that the same growth and specialization of the site was so evident that it was the readers themselves who incentivized PoderPDA to become more than just a community of enthusiastic users and begin to grow in the economic aspect, thanks to the incorporation of the Smartphone and Tablet Store, Accessories Web Shop and Software among several other commercial projects that have given the site a privileged position , although risky, in the Mexican blogosphere dedicated to coverage of technology topics.
Our passion to drive mobile technology is constantly renewed and we will continue to grow this project as much as possible, editorially, commercially, socially and above all, humanly.